The annual ALPHA kermesse was held at the School of Liberation of Soultanieh for 2000 children and 250 parents. The television NBN and other journalists (al Akhbar, Shououn Janoubiyah, El Liwaa) supported us in spreading the information on this event.
Launching of the Mapping Pilot Project in the center of Toulin.
Start-up of the counselling service for adults led by our ALPHA social worker Nazek Ismail, during which she visits the parents of the ALPHA children directly at their homes to help them overcome daily problems. Nazek also supervises the work of the other social workers in their assistance to children who encounter particular difficulties.

Beginning of the training of the specialised ALPHA staff on new interactive, socio-educational techniques to work with children and involve their parents in the centre activities. Main partner in this step was the French NGO ASMAE.

A new centre was opened in Chakra which hosts weekly approximately
ALSO... a day of activities for 600 children was organized in collaboration with the magician Chico, UNIFIL soldiers and the association YMCA to celebrate Christmas.
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